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A Pain-Free Path to Pain-Free Treatment

One of the top reasons people avoid visiting the dentist is fear of pain and fear of needles. Dr. Aldredge has a solution. The Wand Single Tooth Anesthesia System ® was created to relieve that anxiety with an almost unnoticeable delivery of local anesthetic.

The Wand is a computer-assisted anesthetic delivery system that able to numb a small area. It uses sensors and feedback to precisely control the flow of the numbing agent as it is injected, always keeping it below the patient’s pain threshold. The result is a consistently painless injection.

As the name indicates, the Wand Single Tooth Anesthesia System can numb an area around a single tooth without affecting the rest of your mouth. Computer assistance ensures that the system can deliver just the right amount of anesthetic exactly where it is needed. Patients leave the office able to feel their gums, tongue and lips.

The actual “wand” is the thoughtfully designed handpiece with a calming effect.  It looks similar to a pen, relieving the anxiety some patients feel at the sight of a syringe.

While Dr. Aldredge and staff are skilled in giving comfortable injections, patients always have the option of choosing the Wand STA. It is one of the many methods Dr. Aldredge offers to ensure patients are relaxed and comfortable in our office. Call our office for more information.

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